Today I wore:
Me and my messy room hehe. Ok so... Jaket:: in one of my other posts but Wetseal $30 i think, Shirt: American Eagle probably like $10 (it was a gift so im just guessing), Boots again! Everytime i post what im wearing it seems like im always in these boot... i promise i dont wear them everyday!, Belt: Cut up piece of an old pink dress, Skirt: this skirt is probably my favorite thing i own right now! $10 from Tj Max (u should go)
Okydok so sorry ive been so lame on posting and i didnt do my sunday list! I was so very busy Sunday! I saw Rent (the play) and it was fabulously amazing!love the movie, love the play more! And ive had so much homework! Plus Jessica and i are trying to finish a lyrical dance for dance class thats due thursday and we are soo behind!
From the most awesomest person ever and a dedicated follower! Nico!!!!!! Thanx!!! <3
Shoes shoes beautiful shoes the more you have the more you.....something. Anyway amazing shoes by Christian Louboutin! Beautiful, also check out his website its pretty amazing!
Beautiful dress that i would love to have if i could. Herve Leger Fall collection! Great detail
My Floating Balloon: Today my balloon has wonder. It floats up high wondering why. I really didnt notice how much i wonder about things. Such as whats going to happen next, whats the answer, or going to a new place. When it was summer i was full of wonder about how the new school year was going to be, and i would really know untill it came. Thats kind of my point. Wonder is almost the important step we take to do anything. I wonder what im going to wear tomorrow and that wonderment (word?) turns into me actually getting up and picking something out. Same with school, you wonder why so and so happened in the equation untill you put your hand up and ask the question and the teacher answers it. However there are things in life that we wonder that we may never get the answer for. In a way though, thats almost a good thing. It keeps us hoping for something, something new and exciting. If we knew everything there would be no wonder, no thought of anything else then what we were doing at that moment. I dont know about you but i really dont want a world like that. I know, kind of pointless post, just me rambling, oh well! Thanx for reading anyway! <3